Simple but yet meaningful theme by our group. Educational sustainable development bring the concept of lifelong learning as in learning is an on-going process. Consequently, it will produce a citizen with skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, leadership, communication skills as well as producing a responsile person. In our opinion, lifelong learning should start by making one aware of self-development. If our citizens are all having their own passion to improve their own self, eventually they would learn all the skills in order to become a much better person or to become the person of their dream.
However, teens are one-third of our population but all of our future. Realising this fact, we decide to focus our target group to Form 4 and Form 5 students. This is because students at this age are really confuse of what they want to be once they leave school, what choices do they have or whether all the successful person out there are born to be successful. This blog is specially dedicated to them, to inspire them and also to tell them that nothing is impossible. Everyone can be successful if they work hard and always learn from their everyday life. We want the students to know that our eyes 'see' them, but unlike the normal eyes, we have the art of the 'vision' in seeing what is invisible to them - their ability and their strength. We want to tell them to keep their dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything require faith and belief in their own self, vision, hard work, determination and dedication. We want them to remember all things are possible for those who believe.
Hence, this blog is simply our effort to inspire the students from ordinary people who makes extra-ordinary things and become successful where the students can see them as their role model. We aims to improve self-development as we think it is the key of leading the education for sustainability.
'I had a scar from touching certain people'
J.D Salinger
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